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Nouvelle Publication #SUAL dans Journal of Attention Disorders

Publication à venir du SUAL Vinatier dans le Journal of Attention Disorders, sur la base des données de la cohorte "TDAH & addiction" du SUAL Vinatier. L'étude comparait le profile des personnes avec début tardif vs. début précoce (dans l'enfance) des troubles. Les résultats montrent que les personnes avec début précoce avaient des indices de sévérité clinique et fonctionnelle plus importants. Cette constatation est faite sur des patients avec TDAH et addictions. Elle n'est pas généralisable à l'ensemble des personnes avec TDAH.


Objective: to compare the characteristics of childhood-onset vs. late-onset Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in a sample of treatment-seeking patients.

Method: among total of 101 adult patients who were recently diagnosed for ADHD, using the Diagnostic Interview for Adult ADHD (DIVA 2.0), 56 subjects exhibited childhood-onset ADHD, vs. 45 displayed late-onset ADHD. Both groups were compared according to their sociodemographic, clinical, and neuropsychological features, providing crude (OR) and adjusted odds ratios (aOR), and their 95% confidence intervals [95%CI].

Results: compared to late-onset ADHD, patients with childhood-onset had a lower educational score, (OR=0.52; CI95% [0.35-0.76]), a greater score of impulsivity (aOR=1.09; CI95%[1.03-1.16]), an increased number of hyperactive-impulsive ADHD symptoms (aOR=1.9; CI95% [1.46-2.47]), and higher rates childhood trauma (aOR=1.07; CI95% [1.01-1.13]), cannabis use disorder (aOR=1.07 CI95% [1.01-1.13]), and working memory impairment. No difference was observed concerning age, sex, psychiatric symptoms, quality of life, and autonomy.

Conclusion: childhood-onset adult ADHD displayed a more severe profile, relative to late-onset ADHD.

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