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Enquête ISAM (en anglais) auprès des addictologues sur les besoins de formation en addictologie

Si vous êtes médecin addictologue, l'ISAM (International Society of Addiction Medicine) vous propose de participer à une courte enquête sur les besoins de formation en addictologie. Enquête relayée par le référent France de l'ISAM, le Dr Michaël BISCH (Nancy).


ISAM TNA survey The ISAM Training Committee is excited to launch a new international survey scoping the training needs and experiences of addiction doctors around the world. The survey is open to all medical professionals who have worked in addiction medicine or psychiatry for at least 5 years. The Training Needs Assessment (TNA) Survey is an online survey that will take about 10-15 minutes of your time to complete and involves questions about addiction training and perceived core competencies.

The findings from this survey could be used to develop a core set of competencies to address the specific needs of the wide range of professionals working in addiction medicine across different settings and countries. The study has received Human Research Ethics Committee Clearance (Institute Ethics Committee, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, IEC-283/01.04.2022). We welcome your interest and participation.

Any questions about the survey can be directed to survey co-ordinators and ISAM Training Committee Co-Chairs, Prof Cornelis de Jong and A/Prof Shalini Arunogiri (,





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