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Academic departments of addiction medicine are involved in training courses whose main theme is not addiction medicine, but in which addictions have an important place.

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Initial training in Maieutics

Dr Brigitte David, from the Addiction medicine department of the Croix-Rousse hospital, teaches within the module "Pregnancy and Addictions", part of the 4th year teaching of maieutics at Faculté Lyon-Sud (Coordinator Valérie Corteville).


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Initial training in Childcare

Dr Brigitte David, from the Addiction medicine department of the Croix-Rousse hospital, participates in the initial training in childcare (école Rockefeller; Coordinator Florence Roche), within the module "Pregnancy and Addictions".



Dr Brigitte David, from the Addiction medicine department of the Croix-Rousse hospital, teaches a module "Addictions and Pregnancy" as part of the University Diploma "Maternal Pathologies and High Risk Pregnancies" (Université Lyon 1; Coordinator Pr Muriel Doret).

Diplôme Universitaire Pathologies maternelles et grossesses à haut risque (University Diploma Maternal pathologies and high-risk pregnancies)

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