Description of the course
The Inter-university degree on addictive behaviours is a joint programme organised by four universities: Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Saint-Etienne, Grenoble and Clermont-Ferrand. This course aims to provide participants with a set of knowledge, methods and skills, to enable them to participate to healthcare actions regarding various addictions (to alcohol, tobacco, illicit products, drugs; behavioural addictions), both collectively (prevention, health education, detection of diseases) and individually (social support, treatment, implementation of therapeutic measures).
Duration of the course : a year
In total, this course lasts 100 hours:
80 hours of lectures over 10 days (2 days per month for 5 months). In order to maximise interactivity, students should be present - teachers and students alike will travel to the different universities where classes are organised.
20 hours of seminars: locally organised by each university.
The lectures will cover 5 topics, discussed for 16 hours each. Lectures on the fundamentals of addiction (definition, neurobiology and psychopathology) usually take place in Clermont-Ferrand, although the pedagogical committee can decide to change the location to one of the other universities involved. Lectures on addiction to alcohol and tobacco are organised by the University of Clermont-Ferrand; those on illegal products by the University of Lyon; those on behavioural addictions by the University of Saint-Etienne; and lectures in Grenoble focus on addiction to medicines and therapeutic approaches in addiction medicine.
The course is taught using various teaching techniques: problem-based learning (PBL), e-learning and interactive lessons.
PBL will be achieved through 2 types of activities. Firstly, guided by a teacher, small groups of 10 to 20 students will attempt to ask pertinent questions, to formulate hypotheses and to find answers when confronted with a clinical case. In the second part, all students and teachers will debrief together to summarize the main ideas to remember..
E-learning: students will have access to scanned copies of teaching documents before the lectures, via a server for example. Students should study these documents to prepare themselves for the related interactive lesson, in which teachers will illustrate key ideas, create a hierarchy in knowledge, and answer students’ questions.
Seminars: students and teachers alike can bring up clinical cases to discuss together.
Internships: although they are not mandatory, students are strongly encouraged to do an internship, as it is an opportunity to apply and consolidate the knowledge acquired during the course (maximum 5 days in an approved addiction medicine department).
Entry requirements:
a - Target audience:
We will consider applicants with the following titles: doctors of medicine, psychologists, special educators, socio-educational assistants, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, massage therapists, dietitians, psychomotricians;
and applicants who completed two years of higher education, who were awarded a foreign diploma equivalent to the aforementioned, and lawyers.
Applications from students and those undergoing training will also be considered : medical students who have been accepted in 3rd year or psychology students who have a Master 1 diploma (4 years completed).
b - Enrolment authorisation:
Admissions are overseen by the course leader (Dr Benjamin ROLLAND for students enrolled at the University of Lyon) and will be determined on the basis of CV, cover letter, and possibly on an interview. The CV and cover letter should be sent to Mrs Jennifer FURET: jennifer.furet@ch-le-vinatier.fr
Places on the course are limited to 120 students, to be divided between the four universities. The number of students accepted in each university depends on its maximum capacity, but once the limit of 120 students has been reached, no other application can be considered.
How to apply
Person overseeing the lectures in Lyon: Dr Benjamin ROLLAND
Service Universitaire d'Addictologie de Lyon (SUAL)
Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier, Pôle MOPHA
95 Bd Pinel 69678 BRON Cedex, France
Secretary: Mrs Jennifer FURET
+334 37 91 50 72
For further information, visit the University of Lyon 1 website.